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Our Sincerest Condolences to Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
Posted on July 10, 2022
Written by AUW
We do not have words to adequately convey how saddened at the loss of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Mrs. Akie Abe has served on AUW Patron for many years, visited AUW campus in Chattogram, and has been a dear friend whom we have respected and admired her service to women’s education. We mourn this loss for the Abe family and the people of Japan.
安倍晋三元首相のご逝去の報に接し、謹んでお悔やみを申し上げます。安倍昭恵夫人は長年にわたり AUW の後援者を務められ、チッタゴンの AUW キャンパスを訪問され、女子教育へ多大な貢献をされてきた尊敬する友人です。 ご遺族、日本国民の皆様のお悲しみをお察しするとともに、心からご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。