Our Graduates

Let us be clear:

AUW is a university rooted in knowledge for service,
driven by the imperatives of change.

AUW is not a place where women go to retreat from the realities of the world or the needs of their community.

It is a place of study, contemplation, and deliberate engagement.

Our graduates welcome the challenge of promoting cross-cultural tolerance in places where ethnic strife stunts economic development and political progress.

Our students and graduates actively seek opportunities to revitalize their community through improved education, healthcare, and environmental conservation.

Our students are taught from their very first day that they are expected to be ethical, innovative leaders, and that such leaders do not turn away from struggle, sacrifice, or human suffering.

85% of AUW alumnae work in their home country. They have the skills to get a job anywhere in the world, but they elect to go where they are needed most — their own communities.

1000+ Graduates from 17 Countries

20% Pursue Graduate School & 80% Return to Home Country

60+ Alumnae Supporting Refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

10M+ People Provided Education & Healthcare by AUW Graduates

Tanzil Ferdous


Tanzil currently works full-time at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Cox’s Bazaar, where she completed a summer internship while studying at AUW. At UNHCR, Tanzil works in the Program Department. She oversees and coordinates the programmatic side of all the activity that occurs in the organization and its partners and ensures that programs run smoothly. Recently, Tanzil also began working with Rohingya refugees through JAAGO foundation and has worked to create a safe space for over 500 children in the refugee camp through her involvement with a project called Safe Haven.

In 2018, Tanzil was among 10 individuals from around the world to receive the Emerging Young Leaders Award from the U.S. Department of State for her leadership and humanitarian work in Bangladesh.

Saren Keang


I grew up in a small village in the countryside of Cambodia. My parents had received very little education due to the civil war and the genocide, and financial constraints have always been a problem for us. We have never had savings. Receiving a full scholarship from AUW proved to my community that girls are worthy of higher education, and they now send their daughters and granddaughters to school without hesitation. I am now working as the Assistant to the Head of Commission 8 in the Cambodian National Assembly. I work with the other country ministries, including Public Health, Social Work and Women’s Affairs to ensure the implementation of new laws legislated by the Assembly. I also work with the Parliamentary institute of Cambodia to research social issues before designing new laws. My passions are education and female empowerment, and my experience at AUW has prepared me to become a leader and to serve as a role model for the next generation to come.

Tien Nguyen


My dad told me ‘The only way to solve our poverty is through education’, and AUW has given me that solution. I grew up near Hue, Vietnam. My family was very poor, and often times there was not enough food to go around the family. While my classmates were highly competitive thanks to outside tutoring, I never gave up and became one of the top performers in school. When I joined AUW in 2012 on a full scholarship, my English improved quickly. I worked hard and earned the opportunity to participate in an exchange program in South Korea followed by an internship with L’Oréal headquarters in Paris. After my graduation from AUW in 2017, I joined L’Oréal Vietnam as a Management Trainee. Thanks to my AUW education, I have opportunities that my parents never had, and I intend to make a positive impact on my community.

Christina Tamang


When I was young my family migrated from the small mountain village of Tipling in Nepal to the bustling capital of Kathmandu in search of a better life. In order to afford my school fees, my mother began making handicrafts out of chocolate and noodle wrappers which I would collect from garbage piles on the side of the road. I studied hard to earn a scholarship. I was thrilled to receive a scholarship from AUW that provided me an opportunity to pursue my then dream in medicine. It was not until I experienced the turmoil of earthquake in Nepal in 2015 that I was called to the humanitarian and development field.

In my first role at the Nepal Jesuit Social Institute, I worked to establish a partnership to facilitate the recruitment of girls from high human trafficking zones in Nepal to study at AUW. I am now working for an NGO called People in Need, specifically on a project called Durable Solutions II. I am involved in facilitating the relocation of landless earthquake victims residing in geo-hazardous sites and promoting safety of relocated communities through “Her Safety” training, focused on women’s empowerment.

It is thanks to the liberal arts curriculum and community engagement opportunities at AUW that I am able to work for an NGO and make a difference in my society.



Sharmin has made a commitment to changing the lives of those around her – particularly women. Under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, she works as a Senior Coordination Assistant for the International Organization for Migration in the Cox’s Bazaar area refugee camps of Bangladesh, where she previously worked as a Program Assistant on Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

Her work continues the theme of leadership that Sharmin developed at AUW, as President of Model United Nations, Vice President of the Student Government, and a member of the Speak Up Against Violence Against Women organization. She conducted thesis research on intimate partner violence in her home region of Noakhali, where some of her neighbors originally scorned her intention to pursue a bachelor’s degree at an international university.

Tanjila Drishti


I joined AUW in 2010 and graduated in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences. I grew up in Bangladesh and witnessed firsthand how youths around me have been dis-empowered due to lack of exposure and opportunities; and how the burden of conservativeness is double on a girl.

I am currently working as the youngest Senior Manager at world’s largest development organization: BRAC, and I hold a master’s degree in Globalisation, Business and Development from University of Sussex. I have led projects to combat child marriage, develop leadership among youth, empower urban poor, ensure higher education of RMG workers, and advocate for safe rehabilitation of slum dwellers. Currently I am focused on developing interventions to reduce maternal and child mortality in Bangladesh, ensuring access to public-private services for poor and combating underage pregnancy among victims of child marriage in Bangladesh.

My education at AUW transformed me from being a girl with dreams to a responsible and sensible woman with achievements and a vision for a better world.

Anuradha Wickramasinghe

Sri Lanka | Class of 2018

The major turning point of my life was in 2014 in a place where I attended lectures and joined a global community of likeminded people from various cultures. That place was AUW. Growing up in a small city in Sri Lanka with limited exposure to the world along with financial constraints, I often wondered what it would feel like to study abroad. Receiving a full scholarship at AUW allowed be to break through social and economic barriers.

AUW showed me a completely new way of life which I would never have discovered if I stayed at home. The distinct cultural perspectives gained through interactions with students from AUW provided me the opportunity for personal growth and development. Conducting summer projects and taking part in internship programs through AUW really brought out my independent nature which eventually helped me transform my shortcomings in to skills. At last, every memory at AUW showed me the value of empowering young Asian women to help them reach their dreams and achieve their goals.

Duth Kimsru


Duth Kimsru was born in Cambodia in a village of only 15 families. There was no electricity, running water, or a hospital; the local school only taught students up to Grade 6. In order to afford further her schooling, Kimsru helped with her mother’s second job, laundering neighbor’s clothing by hand. In her final year of high school, Kimsru was given a brochure for AUW’s Access Academy, which showed photos of women of many nationalities doing sciences experiments and using computers. “The brochures were written in English,” Kimsru remembers, “and I know only a little bit [of] English. But, I was so excited at the pictures that I had seen, that I sat with the brochures and an English dictionary to check almost every word until I could understand what it said.” When Kimsru enrolled in AUW, she was the first person in her family to attend university. On March 19, 2018, Duth Kimsru and nine other emerging leaders of southeast Asian nations, met with former president of the United States, Barack Obama, in Singapore. The roundtable was held to identify how the Obama Foundation can help support these changemakers’ missions and visions for positive impact in their communities.

Ishra Azim


I grew up in Bangladesh where women rarely work outside the home or pursue careers of their own. When I joined AUW in 2010, it was an empowering experience. I did international internships, attended conferences and travelled independently. The multicultural environment at AUW was exciting and eye opening. After graduating in 2014 with a degree in Biological Sciences, I worked as a fellow at AUW for one year supporting public health and biology courses. Armed with an AUW degree, I secured a full-ride scholarship to pursue my MPH in Biostatistics at Florida International University, Miami. I am now a statistician for A*STAR Singapore, a global research institution.

The broad mix of technical and liberal arts studies, and the multi-disciplinary education at AUW broadened my critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills, preparing me to work in a culturally diverse international setting. I will soon go for my PhD in biostatistics and continue my research in public health. I want more women in Bangladesh to study science – we need more women in the field.

Sharon Panackal


I grew up in Kerela, India, a patriarchal society with very conservative views of women’s role in society. AUW came into my life at the right time. I got to travel across the world, to Stanford University for a summer program, and for an internship at Starbucks in Seattle. I discovered the infinite opportunities I have and my potential to make positive social changes through creative arts. I started my career with CARE India as a Media Officer, working for girls’ education, and currently, I work as a Communications Specialist with Operation Eyesight Universal – an INGO that works towards eliminating avoidable blindness in developing countries in Asia and Africa.

Banazeer Yaqoob


I graduated from AUW in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies. I always wanted to pursue higher studies and AUW gave me the opportunity not only to achieve my dream but also to find meaning in life by contributing to society. Diversity at AUW taught to celebrate differences. My professors and friends at AUW became my biggest support system and they continue to play a major role in my personal and professional life.

After graduation, I was hired as a Management Trainee at Aga Khan University Faculty of Arts and Sciences (AKU-FAS). A year later, I received a permanent role as a Curriculum Development Associate for the Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKU-EB) where I learned more about the educational system in Pakistan and worked closely with teachers and students in schools across the country. Currently, I am doing my master’s in Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada with a scholarship from Aga Khan Foundation (AKF). AUW was a turning point in my life. It gave me the confidence to believe in myself and to continue working hard to achieve my dreams with an aim to make a bigger impact in my community.

Vylyny Chat


AUW has made me realize that education is more than just a degree and life is more than your salary. I have become a global citizen who strives for more than what my society has told me to be. After graduation, I worked as a Clinical Program Coordinator at a Cambodian hospital, where we worked to provide free oncological care to low-income women. I was later chosen to be a Global Academic Fellow at New York University Shanghai. During my fellowship, I worked as a Biology teaching assistant and provided academic support services to students on campus. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Epidemiology at New York University’s main campus in New York City.

Mowmita Basak Mow


“At AUW I had the chance to grow in a multi-cultural educational atmosphere, which has changed my life, and with this education I hope to change the lives of others. My AUW education not only equipped me with academic proficiency but also reshaped my values, thoughts and perceptions. AUW has been a life-changing entity for me, where I was encouraged to dream big and to be a leader of tomorrow.” Mowmita earned her Master’s in Public Policy from Oxford in 2017 with full scholarship support from the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust. She recently completed an internship with the UK Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL), which advises the UK Prime Minister on ethical standards across public life in England. As part of her internship, Mowmita produced a report with recommendations to improve public trust and accountability between the UK government and its citizens. She is now pursuing a career in public policy to address the rights of women and refugees.

Against All Odds: Alumnae Impact

Graduate School Placements

Al-Shifa School of Public Health

American International University Bangladesh

American University of Afghanistan

An-Najah National University of Palestine

Ashoka University

Asian Institute of Management

Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Beijing Language and Culture University

Beijing Normal University

Berlin School of Economics and Law

BRAC University

Central European University

Chittagong University

Christian Albrechts University

College of Natural Resources

Columbia University School of Journalism

Cox’s Bazar International University

Dalarna University

Deakin University

Dublin University International

Duke University

Durham University

East Delta University

East-West University

Eastern Illinois University

Ewha Womans University

Florida International University

Foundation of Montessori Education

George Mason University

Goethe University

Holmes Institute

Illinois State University

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisation

International Institute Of Social Science of Erasmus University Rotterdam

Jahangirnagar University

Johns Hopkins University

Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg

Khulna University

Kiel University

La Trobe University

Liverpool John Moores University

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Lund University

Macquarie University

Mahidol University

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Marquette University

Nalanda University

Nanyang Technological University

National Institute of Education

Nepal Engineering College

New York University

North South University

OSCE Academy

Padma Kanya Campus

Pannasastra University of Cambodia

Paris Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences Po)

Portland State University

Ruhr-University Bochum

School of International Training

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Sorbonne University

South Asian University

St. Xavier’s College

State University of New York

Stockholm School of Economics

Tampere University of Technology

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Tezpur University

Thammasat University

The Arctic University of Norway

The Energy and Resource Institute of India

Tribhuvan University

Umea University

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

University for Peace, Costa Rica

University of Alberta

University of Bradford

University of Canberra

University of Colombo

University of Colorado Denver-Anschutz

University of Denver

University of Dhaka

University of Duisburg-Essen

University of East Anglia

University of Edinburgh

University of Gothenburg

University of Guelph

University of Heidelberg

University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh

University of Liverpool

University of Minnesota

University of Oslo

University of Otago

University of Oxford

University of Passau

University of Peradeniya

University of South Dakota

University of Surrey

University of Sussex

University of Trento

University of Witwatersrand

University of York

Ural Federal University

Vrije University Brussels

Wageningen University and Research

Westminster University

Wright State University

Yonsei University

York University

Professional Placement

Roughly 15% of AUW alumnae enroll in graduate schools, including Oxford University (UK), Columbia University (United States), Ewha Women’s University (South Korea), New York University (United States).

Another 20% of AUW graduates bring their unique perspectives to the corporate world, at companies such as CitiBank, Unilever, L’Oréal, and Standard Chartered.

About 26% of AUW alumnae choose to give back to their communities through careers in the non-profit sector. Graduates have pursued jobs at the World Bank, UNESCO, Save the Children, and others.

Finally, about 10% of AUW graduates have obtained jobs in government.

Current and Past Employers Include:



ABC Consulting

ACBT Kandy Campus

ACI Group

ACI Limited

Across Health

AECOM Engineering

Afghanistan Center at Kabul University

Afghanistan Forensic Science Organization

Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization

Afghanistan Institute for Civil Society

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit

Aga Khan Agency for Habitat

Aga Khan Development Network and Rural Support Programmes Network Pakistan

Aga Khan University Examination Board

Aga Khan University Professional Development Centre

Aga Khan University-Institute for Educational Development


AIA Group


Al-Hidaayah International

American University of Afghanistan

Anhui Tainying Group


Aparajita Literacy Program

Artland Photography

Ashoka University

Asian Floor Wage

Asian University for Women


Astoria Values

Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt. Ltd


BadClay Studio

Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies

Bangladesh Edible Oil Limited

Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center

Bargad Organization for Youth Development

Bawm Silent Activist Movement

BBC Media

ActionBhutan Cancer Society

Biodiversity Sri Lanka

Bismillah International Shipping and Trading Co. Ltd

Bonshoe Bangladesh Limited

Boomerang International Educational Services

BRAC Afghanistan

BRAC Bank Limited

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development

BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health

BRAC University

Brighton Hospital and Diagnostic Center

British American Tobacco, Bangladesh

British Council

Bung Phra Phitsanulok Commercial College

Business for Social Responsibility

Cambodia Disabled People’s Organization

Canadian Embassy

CARE Cambodia


Catalog Publicity

CBC Optical Industries-BD Co Ltd

CEBCenter for Environmental and Geographic Information Services

Center for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh

Center for Leadership Assistance and Promotion

Center for Mass Education in Science

Center for Policy Dialogue

CERGE-EICeyoka Health (Pvt) Ltd.Changing Stories

Changzamtog Lower Secondary School

Chemists Without Borders

Chevron Bangladesh

Christian Aid

CitiClinical Health Promotion Centre

Concern WorldWide

Creative Associates International, Inc.



Daily Asian Age


Danish Refugee Council

Decathlon Bangladesh

Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Inc

Democracy International

Depart Art Magazine

Development Alternatives

DevResonance Ltd.

Disaster Management Watch

Drug Advisory Programme, Colombo Plan, Afghanistan

Druk Holding and Investments

Drukair Corporation Limited

Drukair Corporation Limited

E&T Asia

Efficient Engineering

Embassy of Republic of Indonesia

Emirates Technical and Safety Development Center

English For Tomorrow

ESOFT Metro Campus

European Parliament

Ewha Womans University

Fagligt Fælles Forbund

Falck Safety Service UAE

Financial Express

First Microfinance Bank-Afghanistan

Flextecs Nepal Pvt. Ltd.

Florida International University

FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Franklin Covey Korea and Korea Telecom


Galileo Nepal

GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Ltd

Government of Bangladesh

Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd

Greenwave China Water & Air Solutions Senior Consultant


Gross National Happiness Commission Secretariat, Bhutan

Gru Security and Detective Bureau

Gulf Flex General TRDG.L.L.C


Habitat for Humanity International

Hashoo Foundation

Ha Pvt Ltd

Health Coach

Heart Beat Organization

Herald College

Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry

High Peace Council, Mothers of Peace

Hootum Bangladesh Limited

Huawei Technologies

Humanity & Inclusion Sri Lanka

Toys-R-Yours Project

International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh

ICT Sector Development Project of Afghanistan

Identity Inclusion

Illinois State University


Independent Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee

Institute for Research and Development

Innovations for Poverty Action

Institute of Policy Studies

Institution for Suitable Action for Prosperity

International Committee of the Red Cross

International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group

International Labour Organization

International Organization for Migration

International Rescue Committee

International Union for Conservation of Nature


Invest Nepal Pvt.Ltd

IPDC Finance Limited

Islington College, Nepal

Japan International Cooperation Agency


Jeevan TV

JLanka Technologies

Joint Institute of Innovation Policy


Kabul University

Kalapas Biotech Pvt. Ltd

KDS Group

Khatib & Alami

Käte Hamburger Kolleg

KinderCare Learning Center

Københavns Universitet

Koide India

Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Korea Eximbank

Korea Eximbank Dhaka Representative Office


Lalan Engineering Pvt

Legend Elastic Company


Lyceum International School

Marquette University

MAS Holdings, PVT LTD

Medecins Sans Frontieres

Medical Action Myanmar

Mekong Migration Network

Mass General Hospital

Ministry of Counter Narcotics, Afghanistan

Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan

Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, Bhutan

Monsoon Accessorize Limited

mPower Social Enterprises Ltd

My/Puthukkudiyiruppu Central College

Mutual Assistance Network

National Environment Commission Secretariat

Nepal Health Research Council

Neurosoft Technologies Limited

New York University, Abu Dhabi

New York University, Shanghai

Nijera Kori

Ninh Binh Seed Plants & Livestock JSC

NKSoft BD Limited

Noi Tieng Anh Di Limited Company

North American Agriculture Joint Stock Company

North South University

Obayashi, Shimizu Joint Venture


Office of The First Lady of Afghanistan

Office of the President of Afghanistan

Ogilvy and Mather

One Billion Rising

Onion Film Nepal

Open Space Planning Practice Student

OpenM Vietnam


Pelchat & Gravel Investments Inc

PEPY Empowering Youth

Phase Nepal

PHP Group International Vietnam

Plan International

Promise Bangladesh

Promote:Women in Economy

PT. Kendal Industrial Park

Purkal Youth Development Society

Qatar Building Engineering Company W.L.L.

Quay Asia Ltd

ReThink Bangladesh


Reed Consulting Bangladesh Ltd.

Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit

RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture, and Empower Women)

Renewable World


Rights Jessore

Rinzing Financing Group

Robi Axiata Limited

Roles Association for Social Change

Royal Educare Limited

Royal Institute International School

Rural Access Programme 3

S. W. Nepal Pvt. Ltd (Scott Wilson Nepal)

SAARC Secretariat

Safe Child Thailand

SARUS, Beyond the Border

Save The Children

Schneider Electric Energy and Sustainability Services

Scope Global Pty Ltd


Search of Common Ground, Pakistan

Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women

Shanmuga Maha Vidyalaya School

Shenzhen Pattison Education Group

Sibly Inc

Sihanouk Hospital Center of Hope

Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences

Skyscrapers Pvt. Ltd.

SMEC International Pty Ltd

Social Safety and Social Protection Organization

South Asian Partnership Nepal

Sri Lanka Teachers’ Service

SSL Wireless Limited

Standard Chartered Bank


Strategic Typhoid Alliance Against Typhoid in Asia and Africa

Strategy XXI

Sunaulo Parivar Nepal

Sutherland Global Service

Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research

Taeyoung Engineering and Construction Company

Teach For Bangladesh

Teach for India

Teach For Nepal

Teach Water Pvt

Techuire Islamabad Pakistan

Terre Des Hommes

Thames Water

The American Corner, Sri Lanka

The Asia Foundation

The Embassy of the State of Qatar

The Jane Goodall Institute Nepal

The Learning Barn

The New Indian Express

The NorthCap University

The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

The Skyscraper Now

The World Association of Chinese Elite


Tianjin Transways Limited

TM Grow International Corporation

TMA Solutions

TMF Group

Total Credit Recovery Limited

Tradeasia International Pte Ltd

Training and Technology Transfer

Transparency International Cambodia

Tropical Institute of Ecological Science

Turkish Hope International School

Two Acres Care Home

UK Cabinet Office

Ullens School

United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials

United Nations Development Programme



United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees




United Nations

United Nations World Food Programme

University of Colorado Denver-School of Medicine

University of Illinois

University of Malaya

University of Oxford

Ural Federal University

Urban Residential (BD) Ltd

USAID Feed the Future Bangladesh Rice and Diversified Crops, ACDI/VOCA

USAID Initiative to Strengthen Local Administration

Uttara University


VF Corporation

VNG Corporation


Wageningen University

Wedu Organization


Women for Women International

Women’s League of Burma

Work for a Better Bangladesh Trust

World Bank

World Health Organization


World Vision International Cambodia

Wright State University

WSUP_Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor

WWF- Pakistan

Young Power in Social Actions


Yuwa India Trust

Z Publications


*This is not a comprehensive list.

Awards and Achievements

British Council Writing Competition 2016, Top 10 Winner

Kranti Joshi, Nepal, Class of 2017


Chevening Scholarship

Sadeka Tasmin, Bangladesh, Class of 2013

Mursal Hamraz, Afghanistan, Class of 2014


Commonwealth Shared Scholarship to Oxford University

Ponnampalam Suthagini, Sri Lanka, Class of 2013


Girls Impact the World Festival 2018, Judge’s Choice Winner for Original Documentary

Shafiqua Nawrin Oishi, Bangladesh, Class of 2019


Dalai Lama Trust Scholar 2018

Gayatri Kumari, India, Class of 2015


Emerging Young Leader Award, US Department of State

Tanjila Mazumder Drishti, Bangladesh, Class of 2014


Ewha Womans University, Best Master’s Thesis Award

Nishat Mowla, Bangladesh, Class of 2013


Fulbright Fellowship

Masooma Maqsoodi, Afghanistan, Class of 2015


Harvard College Social Innovation Collaborative and ConnectHerGirls Impact the World Film Festival – First Prize

Neealana Naushin, Bangladesh, Class of 2019


International Entrepreneurship Forum Conference, Best Paper Award for Original Insights into Good Practice

Triveni Chand, Nepal, Class of 2016


National Conference on Science and Technology, BangladeshBest Oral Presentation

Nusrat Jabin, Bangladesh, Class of 2015


New Voices in World Health Award, World Health Summit 2015

Jyoti Shrestha, Nepal, Class of 2013


Roundtable of Emerging Young Leaders from ASEAN with President Barack Obama

Duth Kimsru, Cambodia, Class of 2013


Swedish Institute Study Scholarship

Momota Hena, Bangladesh, Class of 2015


Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust Scholarship to Oxford

Mowmita Basak Mow, Bangladesh, Class of 2013

Savitri Kumari, India, Class of 2015


Youth Scholarship, UN Winter School 2016

Jyoti Shrestha, Nepal, Class of 2013


*This is not a comprehensive list.

List of Graduates By Class, 2013-2022