Between August 22nd and 28th, members of the AUW community from across the world will walk, jog, bike, swim or run a symbolic 3,000km, the distance between Kabul, Afghanistan and Chittagong, Bangladesh, where the Asian University for Women is located. To donate, please fill out the below donation form. To be a walker, please sign up HERE. This fund will allow for 600 young Afghan women to attend AUW, where they will not only receive a high quality liberal arts university education, but they will become agents of change as the leaders in waiting for the Afghanistan of the future. [Organized by AUW West Coast Advisory Board]
The Asian University for Women Support Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization under the United States Internal Revenue Code (EIN: 36-4483980). Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your financial donation. For a donation in stocks or wire transfer or if you have any questions on donating to the Asian University for Women, please contact info(at)